Professional Development
The PLN Experience
The PLN Experience is a 2-day intensive online workshop that provides educators with tools and techniques as to how to articulate individualized learning through the development of global projects.
This hands-on workshop gives participants the opportunity to live through the personalized learning project process, as well as the foundations for the pedagogical elements underlying the project.
Participants themselves will go through all the stages of the project, and team up with peers from other parts of the world to develop their own global projects in the process. The workshop is an ideal instance for educators to apply the principles of individualized learning, design thinking through global projects within their own school contexts.
Contents include:
- Personalized Learning, related tools and protocols to explore student interests and passions.
- Exercises to develop critical thinking, multimedia decoding, higher order thinking skills and thinking routines.
- Development and assessment of personal projects.
- A step-by-step process to design and develop collaborative global projects in the classroom.
- Development of individualized personal or professional development curriculum.
An online experience that provides educators with tools and processes to implement Personalized Learning through Global Projects within their own school contexts.
PLN Certification Program
We are looking to certify cohort facilitators to work with us, as a first step into becoming eligible to form part of the PLN network for paid engagements in coordinating learning cohorts. Cohort facilitators learn about Individualized Realized process, design thinking and development of global projects in order to be able to coordinate learning cohorts within the PLN Project team as well as running their own licensed PLN programs for their professional networks.
The PLN certification program is a full 5-week interactive learning experience comprising weekly prompts and interactions, culminating in a 2-hour Zoom video conference workshop every week.
The workshop covers the PLN sequence in full detail including the pedagogical background for each of the stages, complete documentation regarding all steps in the protocol, data processing and analysis, and all that is needed to run the PLN Project.